Noricum Sommer 2021
On Aug 21, 2021, 106 days after the arrival, the first cathedral in Hadleyville was consecrated by His Holiness Pope Wernher Heissenberg. With this, Calamity Jane won the victory with the alliance Wild Wild West.
Inhabitants of the winning city
1. Calamity Jane
2. Arvernus
3. Alberta Walton
4. Josy Wing
5. Aritio Lorcan
6. Calvin Candie
7. Kanye West
8. Der Schwarze Prinz
9. Jim West
10. Bum Bum
11. Walther von Waagemut
12. Till Eulenspiegel
13. Denger Knoblauch
14. Nikolai Tesla
15. Richard Feinmann
16. Albert Einssein
17. Charles Perrault
18. Wernher Heissenberg
19. Tom der Kluge
20. Maria die Wahre
The age in numbers
totel: 10
winning city: "Hadleyville" (Calamity Jane)
largest city: Hadleyville (100k, alamity Jane)
largest city walls: Walthers Traumstadt (114k, Walther von Waagemut)
smallest city: Empty Town (Lara Croft) & 045:166 (Till Eulenspiegel)
largest alliance:
Wild Wild West by Calamity Jane (10 members)
most points:
Wild Wild West by Calamity Jane
(10 members,
731,905 points)
best average:
Wild Wild West by Calamity Jane
(10 members,
73,190 points)
smallest alliance:
die Korsaren by Maria die Wahre (1 member)
, die Korsaren by Maria die Wahre (1 member)
totel: 58
Clerics: 20
Merchants: 11
Seigneurs: 27
most points: Rasen Pfluecker (143.929)
Redaktion des "Aramooner Boten"
Tom der Kluge, Charles Perrault, Richard Feinmann, Nikolai Tesla, Regis Cor
- Kaspar der Kraemer (Freie Bürger Aramoons)
- Walther von Waagemut (Reiter der Kaspikätzchen)
- Wernher Heissenberg (Die Fysicer)
Summary of the age
From the very beginning, the summer round was dominated by the 3 mass rallies "Wild Wild West", "Areither Union" and "Free Citizens of Aramoon" and there was a lot of potential for conflict. The tension that had built up was then suddenly released when the first two cities were founded within a very short time and the young warriors of the FBA actually dared to found their city a little earlier than the long-established group WWW. In the usual manner, unannounced and clandestine attacks were launched against the competition, and surprisingly, a declaration of war followed this round! After several days of war, the "Free Hanseatic City of Aramoon" was finally conquered and promptly became a "ghost town" (amusing detail on the side: despite everything, the "ghost town" had more inhabitants than "Hadleyville" for a long time). Since this triumph was not enough, most of the alliance members of the free citizens were run into the ground, and half of the FBA left Aramoon and were never seen again.
Although WWW had the votes of the AU behind it in the royal elections, a majority of Aramoon's inhabitants still opted for the FBA's candidate, Kaspar the Grocer, in the royal election. The latter used the advantages of the office for a tit-for-tat revenge and imposed permanent trade bans on the members of WWW. In the next election, Kaspar was again able to assert himself against the "independent" candidate Maria the True and extend his term of office. However, this was short-lived - convinced that Maria the True was an accomplice of WWW, he imposed a trade ban on her as well. The people, however, did not approve of this and immediately threw Kaspar out of office.
Towards the middle of the round, "The Fysicers" also entered the war on the side of the free citizens, but their numerical inferiority to the wild wild west ruled out any real chance from the start. When the independent city lord Rasen Pfluecker then also showed ambitions to build a cathedral in his city "Green Garden", WWW naturally had to react again. Not wanting to get their hands dirty again, Maria the True was finally allowed to show her true colours and raised a pirate flag. She immediately set her army, financed by friendly patrons, in motion and persuaded the inhabitants of "Green Garden" to look for new places to live. In the next royal election, another non-WWW candidate won the race, and Walther von Waagemut was given the honour of leading the country. He too was ashamed of WWW's actions and placed renewed trade bans on the Alliance's merchants.
In a last ditch effort to break the tyranny, a loose alliance of members of the French Connection, Fysicer and Free Citizens of Aramoon and the allianceless Regis Cor formed towards the end of the round. A large number of troops were gathered in the immediate vicinity of the city for a final assault, Mary the True also setting out to aid her patrons of WWW. However, this relief force was wiped out on the last few metres to the city when it got in the way of a squad of black monks led by Carbone. Only hours before the consecration of the cathedral, all armies were set in motion and a final assault on "Hadleyville" was launched. However, despite all the difficulties caused by trade blockades during the construction of the cathedral and a temporary lack of supplies, the walls of "Hadleyville" held firm and the townspeople and allied armies defended the town with ease.
His Holiness Wernher Heissenberg, who had held this office since the beginning of the round and had himself taken part in the attack on Hadleyville, paid his respects to the town and the members of Wild Wild West and blessed the magnificent cathedral a short time later, while the bells rang in a new age.
Although WWW had the votes of the AU behind it in the royal elections, a majority of Aramoon's inhabitants still opted for the FBA's candidate, Kaspar the Grocer, in the royal election. The latter used the advantages of the office for a tit-for-tat revenge and imposed permanent trade bans on the members of WWW. In the next election, Kaspar was again able to assert himself against the "independent" candidate Maria the True and extend his term of office. However, this was short-lived - convinced that Maria the True was an accomplice of WWW, he imposed a trade ban on her as well. The people, however, did not approve of this and immediately threw Kaspar out of office.
Towards the middle of the round, "The Fysicers" also entered the war on the side of the free citizens, but their numerical inferiority to the wild wild west ruled out any real chance from the start. When the independent city lord Rasen Pfluecker then also showed ambitions to build a cathedral in his city "Green Garden", WWW naturally had to react again. Not wanting to get their hands dirty again, Maria the True was finally allowed to show her true colours and raised a pirate flag. She immediately set her army, financed by friendly patrons, in motion and persuaded the inhabitants of "Green Garden" to look for new places to live. In the next royal election, another non-WWW candidate won the race, and Walther von Waagemut was given the honour of leading the country. He too was ashamed of WWW's actions and placed renewed trade bans on the Alliance's merchants.
In a last ditch effort to break the tyranny, a loose alliance of members of the French Connection, Fysicer and Free Citizens of Aramoon and the allianceless Regis Cor formed towards the end of the round. A large number of troops were gathered in the immediate vicinity of the city for a final assault, Mary the True also setting out to aid her patrons of WWW. However, this relief force was wiped out on the last few metres to the city when it got in the way of a squad of black monks led by Carbone. Only hours before the consecration of the cathedral, all armies were set in motion and a final assault on "Hadleyville" was launched. However, despite all the difficulties caused by trade blockades during the construction of the cathedral and a temporary lack of supplies, the walls of "Hadleyville" held firm and the townspeople and allied armies defended the town with ease.
His Holiness Wernher Heissenberg, who had held this office since the beginning of the round and had himself taken part in the attack on Hadleyville, paid his respects to the town and the members of Wild Wild West and blessed the magnificent cathedral a short time later, while the bells rang in a new age.
highest stock levels
















The age in pictures
Wirtschaftsbote - alle
Wirtschaftsbote - Händler
Wirtschaftsbote - Lehnsherrn
Wirtschaftsbote - Geistliche
Wirtschaftsbote - Städte
Wirtschaftsbote - Allianze
Sektor der Siegerstadt